More Ann – Sunday Colluvies

Posted by Ann Barnhardt – December 4, AD 2011 7:18 PM MST

1. Here is another interview, this time with . This is a more wide-ranging interview, covering religion, MF Global, Going Galt, the Black Friday Shopper-Zombie Apocalypse, the story about how I dropped out of high school (awesome), real estate bubbles, Joel Osteen, state secession dynamics and tactical considerations, all kinds of things.

Click HERE for the stream.

2. Boy, there sure is the spitting and gnashing of teeth out there on the interwebs. Lots of people just don’t know what to do. They agree with everything I say about MF Global, but when they google my name and find out that I, I, I . . . BELIEVE IN GOD (!) they are just beside themselves with fury. Heh. I’m like the Tebow of the financial world. Dig it.

3. I keep getting emails from people saying, “I listened to your interview, but I just want to clarify: when you said get out of all paper, you weren’t referring to actually getting out of paper, right?”

Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, y’all. I just shake my head. I don’t even bother replying to those emails, because I doubt very seriously that the senders would understand my reply if they can’t understand this:

“Get the hell out. Get out of all paper and it’s not just the commodities markets. This is going to cascade through everything. It is going to get into the equities. It is going to get into 401ks and IRAs, it is going to get into pension plans and so on and so forth. Total systemic collapse. Get out! I don’t know how I can be anymore plain about this. I say this over and over and over again and then I get scads of emails saying, well I can’t get out of my 401k. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Take the penalty and get the hell out of there. What would you rather do? Would you rather pay the 10% penalty or would you rather have it all go up in smoke? Because that’s what we’re staring down the barrel of.

-Me, earlier this week.

Dude, if you can’t understand that, then there is nothing I can say or do to make you understand. There is literally NO WAY to make that language any plainer, clearer or more direct. None. I have gotten a bunch of emails from people saying, “If I get physical stock certificates mailed to me, then I should be safe, right?” Again, I just shake my head. What the hell good is a STOCK CERTIFICATE if the entire system collapses? Aren’t stock certificates contingent of THE RULE OF LAW and a FUNCTIONING STOCK EXCHANGE and FINANCIAL SYSTEM? Don’t stock certificates also assume that the corporation in question actually EXISTS and hasn’t dissolved and scattered to the winds of war? Stock certificates would make good fire kindling, and could be used to wipe your tailpipe in a pinch (Ow – scratchy!). So picture it, the system has collapsed, the US dollar is no longer being accepted, credit cards are obviously meaningless and you need some food. You stagger up to some guy who has some Malt-O-Meal and hold out a stock certificate. Mr. Malt-O-Meal then LAUGHS IN YOUR FACE, and you go lay down under a tree and die. When you are dead, Mr. Malt-O-Meal picks over your corpse, takes your stock certificate and uses it to roll cigarettes.
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4. I saw a commenter on ZeroHedge make this point, and I think it is very important and should enter the national consciousness: It is POSSIBLE that Jon Corzine has stolen more money than EVERY person today incarcerated in the United States for theft (excluding Bernie Madoff) combined. Think about that.

5. Corzine is supposed to testify before the Senate Ag Committee this week. If he shows up, he will do two things: he will plead the Fifth and/or he will lie. We all need to get our heads around the fact that OATHS mean absolutely NOTHING to these psychopaths. Lying is intrinsic to their psychological comportment. They view lying as every bit as essential to day-to-day functioning as breathing and eating. When psychologically normal people lie, we feel a sharp pain in both our minds and bodies. I feel a tightness in my solar plexis and a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“Mmmm. Yes, I loved your beet and cottage cheese casserole with Velveeta sauce. Seconds? Why sure!”

Corzine and other psychopaths like him, such as Eric Holder, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and all the rest, feel nothing when they lie and thus do it almost constantly. Oaths are something that they laugh at as the domain of stupid religious rednecks. If we don’t acknowledge this plain, obvious truth and stop treating these people as if they are psychologically normal and honorable and presuming that they are honest and bound by any oath, then they will destroy all of us with their lies and deceit. So when we watch Corzine “testify” before the Senate committee, we MUST be wise enough and discerning enough to KNOW that he is lying every single time he says, “I don’t recall,” or “I had no knowledge of that.”

While I don’t think I needed to copy the whole thing, I didn’t think I should post just a part of it when she doesn’t have archives available for you to read the rest.

Having said that, I wanted to point out item #5. Specifically when she says, “We all need to get our heads around the fact that OATHS mean absolutely NOTHING to these psychopaths. Lying is intrinsic to their psychological comportment. They view lying as every bit as essential to day-to-day functioning as breathing and eating. When psychologically normal people lie, we feel a sharp pain in both our minds and bodies.

Have you accepted that yet? They lie. It’s who they are. It’s what they do. They cannot be any other way. They may know the truth, but if it doesn’t suit their needs it doesn’t exist. We may be good people with strong morals (and I am by no means recommending that you send yourself to Hell for compromising on what you know is right or wrong), but we have to know the enemy before we can defeat him. We cannot make peace with them because they lie. Wrap your mind around that.

It will be us or them and they have already fired the first shot(s). Demand Liberty.

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