Religion of piece

Well, the ‘Religion’ of Peace is at it again… not that they ever stopped doing it, we just don’t hear about it often enough.  Anyway, after reading about the 12 year old girl in Pakistan that was tricked into going to “the mall” with a “friend” and was subsequently raped, forced into an apparently legal marriage and detained for 8 months, I have decided to refer to them as the Religion of Piece.

I don’t think that needs any explanation.

And for those of you questioning the “apparently legal marriage” thing, here’s what the family was told by the “authorities” when they tried to report the crime: According to AHRC, the police have allegedly told her parents that it would be better to hand her over to her “legal” husband than for a criminal case to unfold against them.
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Also, muslims generally blame the rape victim for causing the rape, and the victims are routinely punished for it, sometimes with death (One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Need more?).  So, the animal kidnaps and rapes her, then forces her to marry him, but what would her punishment be if she did convert?  What will her punishment be for coming out about being raped?

Now, my question for you… Your 12 year old daughter is kidnapped, raped, forced into a ‘marriage’ and detained for 8 months.  Then she escapes and comes home.  You file a police report and are told to give her back to her ‘husband’ because it’ll be easier than dealing with the charges brought against you and your family for taking her away from her ‘husband’.  What do you do then?  Me, I know what I would do next: First, I send my family out of the area by any means necessary (so they can’t be used against me).  Next, I would hunt down the bastards that did this, including her ‘friend’ that took her to his uncle, and kill them the slowest and most painful way I can imagine (and I’ve read a LOT of books, I’ve got a pretty good imagination… plus, I’m an EMT, I can keep them alive longer).  Then, I kill every officer that told me those things and every legislator that keeps this system going.  After all, I have been told by the “officials” that they will do nothing to bring justice to the evil bastards and that I will be punished for even bringing it up.  Sounds to me like I have nothing left to lose.

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