From my email

This was forwarded to me by a pretty good friend, but he’s a Democrat and has a few positions I strongly disagree with. I’m really not sure of his opinion on this item yet, but I’m sure I will after he gets my response. Hopefully we are still friends afterwards.

Subject: FW: Big money buying congress

Attached is an interesting article.

Hope that all is well with each of you, have a great day!

Subject: Big money buying congress


Things do not seem to be improving, in my opinion.

I do hope you are hanging in there and persevering in the face of what looks like a
very rocky road.

Hope you and yours are doing well.

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So, I had to respond:

OK, I’ve read it. I have some issues with it. I will ignore the fact that this is the Huffington Post, an avowed left-wing organization, and try to keep my comments relevant to the article itself.

While I will admit that big money buys elected officials, the author leaves out and/or completely disregards a couple of things. The biggest thing he completely ignores is that the People do not have to elect anyone based on the “air time” they get or the donations (payoffs?) they receive. If you (generic you) vote for someone because you saw a lot of their commercials, you’re an idiot and part of the problem our country is in. If someone has a lot of commercials, it means they got a lot of donations (or they are already filthy rich). In a “perfect” world, it wouldn’t matter if someone donated $15 billion to a candidate that wanted to legalize murder and theft, an educated voting bloc wouldn’t vote for that criminal. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world, nor even really a close approximation to the nation our founders envisioned. People these days vote for someone because he’s a good speaker and promises to give them more free stuff and they don’t care that he has a history of pushing for communist policies (and while Obama is included here, Bush, Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Clinton & damn near every politician running is in that list as well). The People have become complacent and ignorant. That has nothing to do with how much money a candidate receives. Also, in order to actually buy an election, these donors would have to pay off all of the voters, not the candidates.

Another thing he leaves out is why eliminating a super pac would make anything different. OK, so you make it illegal for any one entity to donate large sums of money to a candidate. Does anyone really think these “evil” wealthy people won’t find a way to get the money to their candidates? Really? Criminals are criminal because they ignore the law, they WILL find a way around it… kinda how “gun control” works, the law-abiding follow the “law” and the criminals still have guns (and now they have an advantage because the “good” people gave up their personal protection to comply with the law).

Another issue I have is that it appears that the author agrees with the “99%” by making a comment about the wealthy 1%. This means that he sides with the “Occupy Wall Street” protest movement. The “peaceful” occupy movement that is rioting, attacking cops, defecating in public, taunting and assaulting children on their way to school, providing “internal” security (to cover up the fact that rape and violence is rampant in their camps) and generally being a giant drain on society by damaging everything they touch. They are preventing small businesses from actually conducting business and making money (they are keeping the customers away because the customers don’t want to go anywhere near these people). Another thing these “99%” are trying to hide is that they’re not just unhappy about the “ultra-rich”, they don’t like anyone that earns more than the poverty limit. There is no such thing as the 99%. There is the 53% that pays taxes and the 47% that collects money from the government. Those last 2 numbers may be off by a couple percentage points, but not enough to make any real difference. These people claim to want everyone to pay “their fair share”, but they ignore the fact that the wealthiest 5% in America pay something like 90% of the taxes in this country. They claim to want a “fair share”, but they advocate for a progressive tax rather than a flat tax. By definition this isn’t “fair” since the more you earn the higher a percentage of your income you have to give away. I’m sorry, but anyone that sides with the Occupy movement or the 99% needs to have their voting privileges revoked (and that’s the nicest thing I can think to do to them).

And finally, one of the biggest issues I have, WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY! This author claims the we are in the title and again in the body. We are NOT. We were founded as a REPUBLIC. We the People have not been holding Washington accountable for the crimes they have committed, which has led to all of the problems our Nation is in. Welfare? Social Security? Universal Healthcare? The list goes on and on. All of these things were approved by the “democratic majority” and all of them violate the individual rights that our Republic was intended to protect, which has led to the entitlement mentality which has led to a greater “democracy”. This is a vicious cycle. The more the government steals from the actual working class to give to the parasites of the welfare class and the “big money” that funds the politicians, the more demand there is for free stuff. We need to stop this cycle before it’s too late… Although there is a growing minority that believes it is already too late and is preparing for the end of the United States as we know it.

This article probably does not deserve this kind of response, but I am tired of reading things like this and not trying to at least convey why I think it is wrong. Also, this little rant is not directed at anyone in particular, it’s just that some things piss me off these days, and this is one of them. The author got a cut on his cheek and is worried about how the scar is going to look in the mirror, but he’s ignoring the fact that his leg was severed. His cheek won’t matter in a very short time.

Mark Roote

From Ann: All Roman Catholics Are Exempt From Obamacare

Posted by Ann Barnhardt – October 5, AD 2011 8:36 PM MST (she made this post in two parts which I have combined here)

Yep. All Catholics are 100% exempt from ObamaCare. It’s on page 107, y’all. Those of you who have been around here for a long time remember that I actually first went viral in March of 2010. I’ll bet most of you newbies received an email with a very brief blurb I wrote about ObamaCare. My name was quickly edited out of it (no problem at all), but I am indeed the original author of this piece:

[This is the full original text of my “Word of the Day: Dhimmitude” essay originally posted on March 25th, AD 2010.]

Dhimmitude is the muslim system of controlling non-muslim populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to islam.

The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia muslim diktat in the United States. Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be “gambling”, “risk-taking” and “usury” and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this. How convenient. So I, Ann Barnhardt, a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivables, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize muslims. Period. This is Dhimmitude.

Dhimmitude serves two purposes: it enriches the muslim masters AND serves to drive conversions to islam. In this case, the incentive to convert to islam will be taken up by those in the inner-cities as well as the godless Generation X, Y and Z types who have no moral anchor. If you don’t believe in Christ to begin with, it is no problem whatsoever to sell Him for 30 pieces of silver. “Sure, I’ll be a muslim if it means free health insurance and no taxes. Where do I sign, bro?”

If you are a Christian and you acquiesce to this, you will be bending your knee to islam, and denying Christ. How many of the early Christians went to horrific deaths rather than offer a mere pinch of incense to a statue of Caesar? Every single one of us has a BIG decision to make right now, in this moment. The choice is to either offer a pinch of incense to islam and Marxism, or take up our cross and follow Christ. I’ve made my decision. I choose Christ. I choose the Cross.

I recommend sending this post to your contacts. This is desperately important and people need to know about it – quickly.

If I had it to do over again, I would remove the word “specifically” from the fourth sentence. The word “specifically” implies that the word “islam” appears in the ObamaCare bill. It does not. The exemption was inserted to give musloids an exemption from ObamaCare, but was sufficiently vague so as to not specify islam as the beneficiary of the language. We’ll come back to that in a moment. The exemption can be found on the bottom of page 107 of the final bill. Link HERE. Here’s the language from the bill:

(5) EXEMPTIONS FROM INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS.—In the case of an individual who is seeking an exemption certificate under section 1311(d)(4)(H) from any requirement or penalty imposed by section 5000A, the following information:

In the case of an individual seeking exemption based on the individual’s status as a member of an exempt religious sect or division, as a member of a health care sharing ministry, as an Indian, or as an individual eligible for a hardship exemption, such information as the Secretary shall prescribe.

The premise of my original piece was that musloids would demand, en masse, an exemption from the ObamaCare mandate arguing that insurance was “forbidden” and thus fall onto the government healthcare rolls, effectively creating a situation wherein “infidels” were fully subsidizing their healthcare. Voila! Backdoor jizya tax and dhimmitude! Yesterday we learned that Obama has DEMANDED that all insurance policies cover contraception, sterilization and abortion via abortifacient drugs with zero copay. Okay. The One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church has taught since the very, very beginning that contraception and abortion are GRAVE MORTAL SINS. As in, a sin so grave that it is capable of severing a person’s relationship with God. And yes, when I say the very beginning, I mean it. Abortion is SPECIFICALLY mentioned as a grave sin in the Didache, which was written within a few years of Calvary – very possibly within the first decade, but very, very certainly before the year 80 AD.

These are a few simple and cialis for sale india effective tactics to get noticeable change in your reproductive health. Because of cialis cheap generic this, over an interval of time-there is really a creation of a horseshoe form on the sides of the male organ. Prostatic calculus is one of the most common diseases in viagra on line sales adult men. These tips are actually for ladies, which will help them in making their partner last longer in bed. cheap generic viagra Now, most Catholics are absolutely pathetic in their knowledge of the Church and what it teaches. And in fairness, many of them have been led astray by the infiltration of Marxist-homosexualist priests and nuns who have a heavily vested interest in pushing and ratifying contraception. Why? Because human life is the enemy of Marxism in general, and homosexuals want sex within marriage to be sterile because homosexual sex acts are intrinsically sterile. Homosexuals want to be able to make the argument that if sterilized heterosexual sex that has no possibility of transmitting life is okay, then there is no reason why the intrinsically sterile homosexual sex acts that have zero possibility of transmitting life shouldn’t be okay too. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again until every deluded Protestant and ignoramus Catholic gets it:


Congratulations, guys. Every time your wife took her pill at night, YOU were laying out the red carpet for homosexuality. Every vasectomy, every tubal ligation just kicked the door open for all sexual perversions. It is your fault. YOU DID THIS. And you will be made to answer for it in the next life. In your GREED for material wealth over Truth and Life, you destroyed Western Civilization. Heckuva job, there, Kids. Maybe you should think about doing something to right that wrong, eh?

My point is, contraception and abortion are mortal sins. They jeopardize a person’s immortal soul. ObamaCare is DEMANDING that every American Catholic and Christian of good will who believes in the Truth literally put themselves in a position wherein they are in grave sin and are rejecting and betraying Christ, and are thus in danger of eternal damnation, according to the teachings of Christ and His Church. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT. ObamaCare makes it FUNCTIONALLY IMPOSSIBLE to be a Roman Catholic AND an American. It prohibits the FREE EXERCISE of Catholicism. Period. This is not debatable. It is an objective fact.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Since we were just talking about the whole musloid pork thing, let’s put it in that context – just for a deeply imperfect analogy. Forcing Catholics to subsidize contraception is like forcing muslims to eat pork every day. How do you think a “daily pork consumption mandate” would go over? Yeah. Like poop in the punchbowl. Surely, surely there must be a Catholic lawyer somewhere in this country who can argue that the government can not force individuals to actively purchase a service commodity that subsidizes an activity that they believe could imperil their souls according to their ancient religious beliefs, and thus violates their First Amendment right of free exercise. Good grief, muslims can literally get away with murder in the name of “honor killing”. You’re telling me this can’t even be ARGUED???? Of course it can. Someone just needs to man up and do it.

The verbiage in the ObamaCare act was inserted to give musloids an “out”. But God, in His very clever Grace, has sown the seeds of ObamaCare’s destruction in the very words that were designed to make non-muslims de facto second class citizens. I am now reminded of Alinsky Rule #4: Make the Enemy live up to its own book of rules.

I can’t tell you how delicious and beautiful this is. You want to end ObamaCare, America? Well, well. It just so happens that they way to do that is to RETURN TO CHRIST and reject the evil of contraception and abortion once and for all. If you reject contraception you can bring ObamaCare crashing down. If you choose to continue sowing the wind, you will be made to reap the whirlwind. God is One Smart Dude. If you won’t do it willingly, he’ll just FORCE you to do it, using the sword of the enemy hanging over your head to make you understand. Talk about sifting the wheat from the chaff! Yeah. He’s getting totally Old Testament with us now. Either you choose Him and the Truth, or you’re going to get your butt kicked. Does this make you uncomfortable? Does this piss you off? Wow. I so totally DON’T CARE. This must be how Jeremiah felt. Well, bring the cistern, baby. Let’s do this.

Where my Catholics at? Send this to your bishops, priests,, every Catholic legal defense fund, pro-life group and news portal and blogger you know of. Most clergy today are miserable money-grubbing 501(c)3-pandering, politicking cowards, Marxists and/or homosexualists who will fold like a cheap tent, but maybe this will click for some of the good ones. No matter what, we are obliged to fight the good fight and at least TRY. You have to TRY. You have to DO SOMETHING.

Saint Michael the Archangel demonstrating how to git ‘er done.

I’ll make my comments in another post, but I mostly agree with her.

My submission to the president’s new snitch site

Actually, this is my second submission, my first one was a direct copy of Billy Beck’s submission (thanks CA).
So, my submission is as follows:

If you read through the Journalists guide to ‘Project Gunwalker’ (, and you have to read all of the links on all 6 of the pages in the guide to see all of the facts, there are allegations that Obama’s senior staff were aware of, and even approved of, this operation to ‘walk’ guns into the hands of violent criminals. Well, if the senior White House staff was aware, then Obama had to be aware, right? If Obama was aware, not only will it affect his re-election, but it could get him impeached.

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I seriously doubt I’ll get a response, and even if I do it won’t be an “offical” response (can’t lock him down on a statement, ya know?) But hey, can’t hurt to try.

PS, David & Mike, sorry I had to submit you to that site, but I wanted to make sure they had the opportunity to read the facts you have already presented before they write their denial.

No, I don’t care.

After Mike sent me to Stossel’s “Ponzi! Ponzi! Ponzi!” article and the link to VDH that CA referred us to today, I have to get this off my chest…
NO! I do NOT care one whit about your retired parents or your unfortunate siblings/cousins/co-workers, nor do I give a rat’s ass about your sick children. I care about MINE. You “progressives” can call me a cold-hearted bastard all day long, I’m fine with that, but the difference between you and me is that I actually love my family and will do everything in my power to take care of them. If that means that my retired (without a pension because the company she worked for for 18 years laid her off just in time to get away without paying her retirement salary) and widowed mother comes to live in my house with my wife and children because social security finally goes away, so be it. She let me live in her house as long as I needed to, it is my HONOR to let her stay with me if she wants (or needs). If my brother or sister get evicted because they didn’t pay their mortgage/rent on time, I will do what I must to make sure that their families are not living on the streets.
If social security and medicare and medicaid and food stamps all go away tomorrow, I will still do everything I must to take care of my family. And even if those things went away, my life wouldn’t change at all since I get no benefit from them to begin with… actually, in the long run, after those things go away my situation will improve because I’ll have more of my own money left to put to work for me.
If all of those things go away tomorrow and you and yours end up on the street… I DON’T CARE! The only reason your situation would enter into my thought process is if/when you try to steal from me (because I have things that I have acquired over time thanks to hard work). And when that happens, you will be shot. There will be no warning, if you are on my property and I do not know you and you pick up something that does not belong to you, you are a thief and you will be shot.

Stop trying to make me feel bad for your sick child or your poor, retired, sick parents/grandparents. I am sorry that your child is sick, but it is not my job to care about your child, that is YOUR job. I’m sorry that your parents/grandparents didn’t plan for their “later years” appropriately, but it is not my job to take care of them. If they raised you right, you would be grateful for everything they gave to you while you were growing and you would be willing to return the favor. If you are worried that your children won’t take care of you in your later years, well, sucks to be you, you must not have been a very good parent. I don’t care! And I will no longer pretend to care just to avoid confrontation. Let’s have this discussion, we’ll start it when you give me 10% of your income because I deserve it. If you’re not going to hand over your income to me because I said so, then shut the hell up about me handing over my money because you said so.
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Another difference between you and I is that I know it is my responsibility to care for my family, and I accept that. I worked hard to get into a job that provides fairly good insurance (it’s not the best and it’s gotten worse since your annointed one passed his health careless bill, but that’s a different subject). And if my insurance isn’t enough to cover the bills, I’ll get another job and sell off everything I have to take care of my family.
Now that I’ve said that, I do (and/or prepare to do) these things even while the government steals such a large percentage of my “income” to give to you lazy f*****s. Imagine what I could do and what I would have left to expand my “circle of caring” if the government stole only a fraction of their current levels of my “income”.

I’m going to end this rant now by reiterating my opening statement, “No, I don’t care about your family, I care about mine… and you should too”